In the distant future after the Terminator war, humankind was safe because John Connor’s mother Sarah Conner destroyed Skynet, along with the help of Rees Kyle and Pops the Terminator.
So everybody thought to do fireworks for the celebration because of the Terminators and Skynets destruction. They rebuilt all the buildings.
So between 8:00AM to 11:00PM there was a Parade and food, also at the end of the celebration there were fireworks.
This day will become judgment day the secret holiday because the Terminators would never exist in the future.
P.S. John Connor turned into Terminator 3000 and died. R.I.P.
By Rawiri Ni Mitchell.
Very good Rawiri I loved How you told the short story of the Terminators. Next time though explain what who the Terminators and John Connor are.
ReplyDeletegood work ra i really like yor story how did jhon conners die