Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Week 8 - A lullaby of gun shots by Abby

I lie on the sweet smelling grass, The day was so graceful. The sun was high in the sky, staring down at the village, The birds fly all around me, I follow them with my eye. Every moment was perfect. I looked down at the river twinkling along, also seeing some row boats. The afternoon sounds grew into a lullaby, chirping, laughter, singing, water. My eyes shot open smelling delicious chips, warming my taste buds. Suddenly, there was a loud bang. A gunshot. The children’s laughter turns into screams and cries. I leapt up and ran as fast as I could. I guess you can’t call this day graceful anymore….

By Abby


  1. wow great job Abby keep it

  2. good job i like your description from scarlett

  3. That was a great story I really liked the way you used show not tell. They were a few minor grammar mistakes. Other then that it was great well done Ruby
