Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Week5, Term 1 - The Bomb by Danny

It was seven o’clock on a crisp sunday morning, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. The city was silent except for the few people making the most of the empty city by shopping before everyone else woke up. Jason Thompson was picking up a 2 litre bottle of skim milk when BOOM! Something exploded near him, a bomb? He and another few shoppers started panicking, running towards the exit of the shop. A blue figure crashed through the ceiling a red cape rippling behind him. Superman. He grabbed everyone he could and was off to safety.

By Danny


  1. good work danny i really like the details in the story not much humor though

  2. good work danny i really like the details in the story not much humor though. connor

  3. Hi I like how you described the day. It sounds like a very good story.
