I jumped out of bed ,it was the day I said to myself it's going to be a long day, so I hopped into the shower and then jumped out I got dressed into my cycle gear.And grabbed my helmet I was off I started to bike to the race was about to start.3 2 1 GO! The man yelled I peddled really fast i was sweating like a gorilla i was so tired,i could see the finish line,then out of nowhere another cyclist zoomed past me i felt like giving up but then i could hear my wife cheering me on so i didn't stop i raced until my heart stopped i could see the finish line,then
By Harriett
make sure you use spaces after full stops. Also make sure you use your full stops in the right place. also make sure you use some ellipsis after the word 'then'
I like your simile I was sweating like a gorilla. Remember to put full stops in the right place.