Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Week 4 - The River Monster By Matthew


As i got out of the car I  found a huge canyon filled with water. The surface gleamed in sunlight. jumped into the water splashing water  but the splash vanished in mid air.  All of the water somehow started forming a dome over me, I stared into the water it turned green. Two green eyes came out of the water and stared at me, they disappeared into the water and a humanoid shaped green mutant appeared. It started walking closer, the dome collapsed down which it absorbed making it HUGE. His hand became a blade and he stabbed me with it. I felt my life leave me as he jumped off to wreck havoc in the city.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! Your story has lots of descriptive language which is amazing. A next step from me is to have a hook at the start of the story so everyone loves the story from the start. Good job.

    From Jada
