Monday, February 29, 2016

Week 5, Term 1 - Superheroes by Zoe

As we pulled up the drive into the silent backyard, I wondered what was in store for me inside. I had been told about James but meeting him was a whole different thing. I stepped inside the quiet house as I walked into the room I found myself gazing at this little boy ,with a smile bright enough to light up a room .  When I looked at  him ,his eyes lit up “can you help me walk again” he stammered?  He was all dressed up in a superman costume sitting on the couch, “of course I can” I said.
By Zoe


  1. well done. I loved it.

  2. Hi I like your story it is so cool.

  3. That is a really good story did you help him walk in the end.

  4. Hello Zoe. I like the way you started the story, to give the reader a prediction of what happened in the start.It reminds me of my Night Zookeeper story (obviously).I wonder what happened next?
    Visit my school blog in Night Zookeeper:

  5. Great story, but next time check you spaces! In certain places you have put ( . ) and ( ,). Little mistakes like that really stick out.
    ~Ryan B
