Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Week 11 - The book of me by Sam Car
I felt like it was a dream, but it was real. As I walked through the written lines, I kept thinking to myself “What the heck is going on?”.
I took a deep breath and then ran down through the valley and up the other side to the seat for a nap.
Waking up I was ready to explore.
Since that day, flying my kite without a care in the world, I committed my life to finding out what was going on in these pages. The weird thing is no one else has dared to step a foot on any page… Maybe it’s only my story?
-Sam Car
Week 11 - Free falling by Harriett
As I was just flying my kite.A huge gust of wind hit my face and my kite.My kite flew away I bursted into tears.Then as time flew by it was my birthday I got a book from my grandma i hated books absolutely hated then even she knew that so I just said thank you and opened another present I got a huge a new kite it was rainbow I was so excited so I ran into my room with all my presents opened the book on page 4 then after 3 seconds I went into the book went into the book seriously it was very winded so then I held up my kite and it flew like the wind I ran with it and I was free!!!
By Harriett
Week 11 - the road by Connor
What a nice sunny day for a bike but first I need to eat breakfast,play ps4,make my bed,visit subway for lunch and then i will go for a bike ride.What to have for breakfast I know I will have fruitloops.this is the hardest decision in my whole entire life do I play escapists or loadout I know now cod bang die noooo I died meh I don't need to make my go to Subway time to go ride my bike this is the beat bike ride ever the wind blowing woa the the ground is splitting apart noooo I am riding up the hill.
By Connor
Week 11 - The Kite by Danny
It was a windy day in Windville, James really wanted to try out his new kite and now was his opportunity. He went into the garage and pulled it out of the cupboard.
“Can you please take me to the park so that I can try out my new kite?” Asked James.
“Sure!” agreed Dad
They were walking to the park and James was very excited.
“It’ll fly like a bird!” Exclaimed James.
“I can't wait” he said.
The kite flew like the wind, James loved every minute of it.
Week 11 - Tangeled by Caleb
I get my colourful kite out that I had waited years for this. I take it out to the grassy hill as the wind rushes through my hair.
I chuck it up up in the wind and it take flight gloriously as I unwind it more and more until there’s no more thin string left. I sit down and hear my dad coming out to watch me and take my eyes off the kite. My dad reminds me to not take my eye’s off the kite but it was too late
I comes crashing down and I try to keep it in the air but it came down all tangled up.
By Caleb
Week 11 - Mia And Amelia by Sophia
“Yay, look look I’m doing it, I’m flying my kite, oh, oh yeah thats right, she moved.” Mia stammered out loud. Mia felt a small slaty transparent tear slowly trickle down her warm rosy cheeks. Mia dropped her kite and ran to her house. She stormed into her room and slammed her head into feather pillow. Her mother walked in and asked what was wrong? “ I-I miss Amelia, I mean sh-she taught me how to do everything she’s my big sister and now she live in NYC” Mia explained. “Well guess what? I was going to wait to tell you this but she’s coming home tomorrow!” Mia’s mother proclaimed. The next day Amelia came home and the sisters were reunited.
THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Week 11 - enchanted books by Jake
Midnight outside plague labs
“COME ON WE HAVEN'T GOT TIME WE MUST REVIVE VEZON!”shouted dr impatiently waiting
“Sir i think we found it” said one of his henchmen
“Let me see”said dr taking the book out of his hand. it was the wrong enchanted book. characters and lamp post came out of it.
“YOU IDIOT THIS IS THE WRONG BOOK!” Shouted dr “no mater i can still fix it” he clicked his claws’ a dark mist started covering the page changing it into his spellbook
“There now let me see”said dr reading the content
“hmm hmm...NO!”shouted dr furiously “IN ORDER TO REVIVE HIM I NEED THE SPEAR OF FUSION OH FORGET IT!”said dr heading back to the lab
jake/dr inferno
Week 11 - the boy by Tamara
Once upon a time there lived a boy. He was sitting on a bench I wonder what he was waiting for. all of a sudden he jumped up looked like a bee bit him but no he brought out his kite i walked over to him hello i said GO AWAY he shouted why cause i said so okay okay i walked away . he looked every were couldnt find me HELLO HELLO were are you SORRY i told you to go away i popped out where i was hiding its okay i said do you want to be friends yep would you like to fly my kite okay i said once i finished flying his kite we got too too hot so he said i have 2 dollers want to bye an ice cream since they are 2 dollers yep so i got a choclate and my friend got a hokey pokey then we went home
by Tamara
by Tamara
Week 11 - Jacob And The Kite by Michaela
Boy:There is a book I read called The boy and the kite. The story goes like this.
Story:Once there was a boy called Jacob he had moved to a house in the country. Jacobs toys and books got lost trough moving. Once he had moved to his new home he found a cupboard. In the cupboard he found a kite. He ran outside with the kite and it started to fly. The wind picked up suddenly and Jacob and the kite flew away the next day the kite came back but Jacob was missing. He was never seen again...
By Michaela
Week 11 - Cool summers day by Kynan
It was a nice summers evening birds singing, dogs barking in the distance and the sweet essence of vanilla in the cool breeze. As my kite glided through the sunny sky I noticed it getting a bit cold and damp.
“What is going on” I ask one of the fellow people at the park.
“I don’t really know”. Then suddenly the ground starts trembling all around us. The ground starts turning into what it looks like to be paper. Everyone started freaking out, all the dogs were barking at the strange paper ground. After a while people just started getting used to it, it was a usall thing for us.
By Kynan
Week 11 - Stuck In A Story by Amber T
It was a sunny and windy day when I decided it was a great day to fly my kite. I grabbed it, and raced to the park. As I was flying it, a huge wind picked up and I was getting lifted up off my feet. I only just realised that I was stuck in a tornado. Suddenly everything went black…
I woke up and my surroundings looked like the park but somehow different. I tried to figure out where I was, when a huge piece of paper flew over top of me. And then I became aware. I was stuck in a book.
By Amber T
Week 11 - The boy and the book land by Rawiri
As I fly my kite, more and more mountains, bushes and grass.
My little world is coming together, one by one more detail come in that means the more detail, the more stuff comes into my little world.
Then some more people come with kites and fly their kites.
I try to tell them what the beginning looked like but nobody believed me.
I tried and tried but still nobody believed me.
But then thought of“what if I ripped the page, it might actually work” so I went to the edge of the page tried to rip the page.
But it was like going into a mincer trying to chop me up so I couldn't rip it so the book began closing.
Then it was shut the boys world was in a long sleep.
By Rawiri
Week 11- Free by Ruby
I was flying high above the clouds, high up in the sky. The wind was strong taking me higher and higher.
Even though I was being controlled from a distance I was free, as free as I could be. I wished this moment would never stop. But all good things have to come to an end.
The wind started to die and I began to fall. The world around me was a blur as I plummeted to the ground. My freedom was now gone.
She ran up to me laughing and giggling with joy. She tied me up trapping me once more. She took me back to the shed where I will wait for the wind to come again.
By Ruby
Week 11 - Balloon by Mac
All day I see clouds, balloons and lampposts I sit there peacefully with no sound of a bird cheap bees buzzing around underneath me next thing that happens to me a boy sits on me with his balloon and before I saw on my lap was running around with his balloon and the grass under his feet it must of been the best feeling cuz I can't move I'm just a parkbench . I wish I was a free boy like him , I would love to run endlessly for my whole life. Next thing I now the balloon poped.
By Mac
By Mac
Week 11 - The Book of Wisdom by Zoe
The ancient book lay motionless staring up at the grey sky. It’s pages were blanketed in moss and lichen from decades being left in the crumbling fortress. The book had lay there, undetected waiting for someone to unravel its secrets. Every once and awhile somebody would venture through the ruins, to where the book lay silently awaiting them. Unaware of what lay ahead the lost travelers wandered right into the books trap. Once they read the ancient inscriptions the book caught them sending them into the world of make believe. From where they could never return.
By Zoe
Week 11 - my thought's came to life by Jasmine
I could not believe it i thought it was impossible.
My thought’s were actually coming to life. I was writing a story but as i wrote my thought came to life. I Just could not believe it.
How was this happening was I just imaging things or was it true.
So I went to get my older brother ryan and asked him whether he could see them or not and he could not see them and then something happened they started to move. And then i knew that they were real. “I new it” I said to myself
By Jasmine
Week 11 - 5 sentence challenge by Ryan T
1. Once apon a time there was a young kid flying a kite on a book.
2 "This is part of a story" said Ryan
3 The book feels like a wave on the beach
4 The kid looks like he is flying a kite up on top of the hill with mud under it.
5 The kid is having some fun
By Ryan
Week 11 - The Mystical book by Matthew
As the kite whizzes around i notice how beautiful the sky is when you stop to notice it. I am racing past bushes forming from white bumpy land in front of me. The sky is suddenly starting to shrink, then the grass and lawn starts turning into white nothingness, then i fall back to the other part of white land. Everything is colliding. The white land is squeezing me, the pages engulf me as my kite suddenly drops to the ground. “GASP!” I wake up and stare at my desk , my book’s there. The book flips open and a kid runs out with a kite.
By Matthew
Week 11 - Mystery Book by Lucy
Today I was walking home from school and I was so exhausted.I went to sit down. I took my bag off my back and sat underneath a large tree. I was watching the birds fly by. When I saw a book on a branch above me. I jump up and grabbed it. I flick to page one and read the first sentence. “ My kite flies high in the air “. I imagine the character flying the kite on a giant book. I start to read on when…. Ring ring ring. I drop the book in my bag and answer the phone.
By Lucy
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Week 11 - A boy and a kite by Abby
Laying on a soft surface, blankets tangling her legs. Her body as stiff as cardboard, Not a movement. Light flickers in her eyes, the sun peaking through worn curtains. She held an old book above her head whispering the words.
“There once was a boy, who played on a field.
A voice so kind it almost healed.
He lived near the street with only kite.
To him the day was never night.
Children loved him, adults bore.
He’s the child forever more…..”
As the words shattered in her throat, the story came alive right on the pages.
“If you find a reddish kite,
remember the day, is not always night.”
By Abby
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Week 11 - The Book by Ryan
The page opens, a grassy field appears. A young boy, flying a kite runs in.
A dim light sinks over the horizon, making the book look as if it is being lit by a torch. The grass begins to spill over the edge, the pages curling over. The clouds that once covered the sky above are beginning to thin.
The grass clumps up, becoming bushes, trees.
A chill wind sweeps over picking up anything loose. The wind pulls the kite up into the air, taking the boy with it. You can’t take it anymore, you close the book. You have just read The Book.
By Ryan B
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Week 10 - The dare by Scarlett
As my friends and I sat there wondering what to do. We turned on the radio and started to listen to the news. There was one report of a big opening of a skate park that had an activity called the Death Ride. My friends said to me hey let’s play truth or dare and i said that’s a good idea. Right I said who is gonna dare who first?. Michael said I will dare Samantha I said alright then it’s my go, he said truth or dare and I said dare. Michael said I dare you to… ride the death track. I said alright that’s the end of me...
By Scarlett
Week 10 - The split road by Matthew
The cold wind passes my face as I stare down the road that I am biking on, when all of a sudden SMASH! The road 100 metres in front of me splits open and curls around in the air like a pair of scissors through the concrete. I stop so suddenly that I fall face first over my bike into the road “OUCH!” I yell. I quickly get back up and gaze at the road directly in front me and I see the line down the middle of the road with scissor cutting symbol along the road as well. Huh! What a weird day.
By Matthew
By Matthew
Week 10 - By Sophia
I stand tall through the blistering cold winter ,the scorching summers ,the busy springs and the windy autumns. Life isn’t really interesting seen as I’m a Magnolia Tree. I’m the one that you break branches off to build forts, I’m the one you propose under, I’m the one you break up under, I’m that one. I stand by throughout all these events but I never get any credit, none, not for supplying the branches, not for supplying the scenery, not for supply myself for her to kick and punch and take her anger out on, none whatsoever. I’ve been waiting for my chance to do something and today’s the time. Using all my might I spilt it. The road sat to my right. I split it right down the middle. Now people talk and chatter about me and the whole world knows I exist and I couldn’t be happier.
Week 10 - Zipper Hill by Amber N
“No one has ever tried to ride a bike a the zipper hill.” Said Zack.”
Well i guess i'm going to complete the impossible.”I said.
So we grabbed our bikes and headed that way. Zack started to film for our our youtube channel.We got near the zipper hill were i relized why it was called the zipper hill .It is a straight road till it splits off into 2 parts like a zipper on the leaft side there was a tree stucked in the road.So i went to bike up it i sadly didnt make it but everday now i try and try and my subscibers on youtube love it.
By Amber N
Week 10 - Fire by Zoe
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, thick smoke filled my lungs and I found myself gasping for air. I turned my head only to see at the path ahead of me had disintegrated, like it was being peeled with a paint striper. The skys were afire as ash drifted down from the heavens blanketing, the earth in its burning coat. Suffocating all life as we know it. The air was thin and I knew I would run out of oxygen. I started to drift in and out of consciousness, the pounding inside my head became louder and louder until, I closed my eye’s and let the darkness take me.
By Zoe
Week 10 - the road by Michaela
I biked calmly along the long flat road. I was thinking about stuff that I had to pay for or something I can’t really remember. As I was biking, I noticed a faint zipping sound. I was suspicious at first but then I thought nothing of it. As I got further along the road I realized it was getting louder and louder. Suddenly the road I was on unexpectedly zipped down the middle and curved upwards. I suddenly stopped and watched as the road kept coming towards me I was frozen in shock as the road zipped past me and flung me up in the air. Everything went black.
By Michaela
By Michaela
Week 10 - Road to nowhere By Abby
The sun flickered over me, clouds tumbling in. My bike gradually moved along, stones spitting at me from everywhere. I beamed with a pleasant day. Suddenly, a powerful cutting sound fired at me, I scream and plunge into the ground with my bike skidding to a stop. My hands immediately cover my ears as the sound was horrible, a lot like nails on a chalk board. The ground started shaking, I gaze up as my eyes widened seeing a tsunami of land curling towards me. I had no hesitation. I shot up and began sprinting down the road. My legs gave way, blankness was all that I could see now.
By Abby
Week 10 - the ride by Brandon
It was a bright and colourful day. I was biking down the railway reserve and then the ground shook like a raging earthquake . I stopped my bike and looked at the closest hill as it started to split like a jacket zipper. I stood in shock like a frozen ice block wondering what to do next.I could go around it I could go back but I wanted to jump over it.
So i started to charge at it like a formula1 car it felt like I was going to break the sound barrier. As soon as my wheels left the ground it felt like i was flying to space I could see the clouds then I heard a BOOM as i hit the ground. As I looked back at what I had done I thought how much fun i have had in that moment flying in the sky.
By Brandon
Week 10 - by Ava
One day i had a surfing competition between me and the world champs.
It was my turn to surf i was nervous but i gave it a go.
I did a front flip everybody cheered and clapped.Then there was a big wave ahead so i got down and started to paddle then stood up.
I bet the wave and came out the other side.
Everybody cheered so loud that my ears rang like a bell.
It was at the end of the competition and a speaka talk.
And i heard my name to come up and get my medal.
By Ava
Week 10 - Best art work ever! by Kynan
Welcome, welcome today we will be drawing something to do with scissors and grass, you can do anything from scissors made out of grass.
“What are you going to do” whispers Wayne
“I don’t really know yet”.As I started sketching away, I saw what other people were doing. They were all drawing grass covered scissors and stuff like that. When I had finished painting my artwork the teacher was stunned. She said she had never seen anything this good in her whole teacher career...WAYNE!! wake up for school!! “I wish I could be that good”
By Kynan
Week 10 by Ava
One day i had a surfing competition between me and the world champs.
It was my turn to surf i was nervous but i gave it a go.
I did a front flip everybody cheered and clapped.Then there was a big wave ahead so i got down and started to paddle then stood up.
I bet the wave and came out the other side.
Everybody cheered so loud that my ears rang like a bell.
It was at the end of the competition and a speaka talk.
And i heard my name to come up and get my medal.
By Ava
Week 10 - 5 sentence challenge by Olivia
There was a road in the world that looks like shirt it was in half.
The road is big enough. by a truck driver
The road is a great way for a run.
The road and the car can go up and down.
The road is the best thing to be like a side.
Olivia hall the end :p
Week 10 - Race for nothing - Harriett
As I jumped in the shower, I realised that I had to go to a bike race in rebel street.So I quickly got ready then after I got ready. I quickly hopped on my bike and rode to the starting line 3,2,1 GO!!! The man shouted I biked until I was in the lead I was coming first I felt so proud then after about 2 hours I came to this very unusual split in the middle of the road so the. I stopped and turned round but I couldn't under stand why is there no finish line?
By Harriett
By Harriett
Week 10 - Road to nowhere by Abby
The sun flickered over me, clouds tumbling in. My bike gradually moved along, stones spitting at me from everywhere. I beamed with a pleasant day. Suddenly, a powerful cutting sound fired at me, I scream and plunge into the ground with my bike skidding to a stop. My hands immediately cover my ears as the sound was horrible, a lot like nails on a chalk board. The ground started shaking, I gaze up as my eyes widened seeing a tsunami of land curling towards me. I had no hesitation. I shot up and began sprinting down the road. My legs gave way, blankness was all that I could see now.
By Abby
By Abby
Week 10 - Just a strange day by Caleb
It’s an ordinary day i get out bed, eat my breakfast, and get changed into my cloths, and i'm of to school on my GT Aggressor bike hat I got for my 12th Birthday. I hopped on my bike and started pedaling. The narrators of the story decided to a prank me. They cut the road that I take in half, and you all know that you have to take the right path like in Alice In Wonderland.
So what I have to do is go up it and go upside down. I am fit but not fit enough to go like 75 KM Per Hour. But I try anyway as I started to pedal and all of a sudden these giant boosters attach to my bike and I make it and I feel awesome as I come back down, this is the best day ever.
By Caleb
Week 10- The Zipped Road by Ryan
Somewhere unknown, there is a road. Along that road lies a place, ‘The Place.’ None know what to call it, so it was dubbed ‘The Place.’ Why it is like that, no one could tell. All we know is that it looks like a zip. Somewhere along the road, someone has painted scissors, making it look as if they had started cutting along a line.
In the middle it looks as if it has been ripped at with a knife, and the edges have curled around. Somehow a tree manages to survive in this environment. Along comes a cyclist, oblivious to the gap just ahead.
By Ryan B
Week 10 - The Earthquake - Danny
John woke up to the rattling sound of an earthquake, it was about two thirty in the morning. It wasn’t a very strong one - it was probably less than two on the richter scale but he could definitely feel it. Once it passed he went back to sleep, he thought it was nothing.
John and his family were packing the car for a family trip to the country. They were excited to leave the city and not have to think about work.
The car was now far away from the city and they felt a shaking which grew larger and larger.
Then they saw something like a tsunami on land.
By Danny
Week 10 - the dream by Mac
On my way home I felt the ground start to move, all of a sudden giant scissors started to come out the ground and chop down the center line. It was the scariest thing I have ever experienced, trees were going with the road it was like my mum's sewing, I started to hear things like hello Tony I'm a female's voice over and over again I thought it was one of god's angel's, I started to talk back to her. That's when I realized it was all just a dream.
By Mac
Week 10 - The Jolt by Lucy
The lights cut out. I stood in dark trying to find my way to the power box. Suddenly a jolt pushed me to the floor. My head started to spin. Everything was falling off the shelf and smashing down on the floor. I was scared that the shelf was going to collapse on me. The jolting stopped after a while. I tried to get back up, but instantly fell back on the floor. The lights turned back on, so I slowly got up and started to make my way to the door. I stepped out on the street. The damage was horrendous.
Week 10 - A trip to the beach by Sam Ctr
On a steamy, Summer Tuesday…. John, Billy and I were so hot we decided to go to the beach. We were driving down a long straight road when suddenly in front of us the road just started to split apart .
“What the heck is going on?” John squeaked.
“We’re going to die!!!” Billy yelled.
“Stay calm Guys” I said.
So we turned around and just stepped on the pedal but it wasn't moving.
“The wheel must be stuck, everybody get out and push!”
So they did and we got away safely. It was sad to see that lots of other roads had split in the earthquake too.
Sam Ctr
Week 10 - By Amber T
CRASH!! “Guess I’m awake now”, I complained. I went to see what the noise was. Turns out it was just my sister Hazel getting ready for a bike ride. “Come with me!”, she beamed.
“Oh alright”, I answered.
I really wasn’t in the mood for a bike ride but I’d do anything for my sister. I didn’t know where we were going but Hazel said she had a special spot. After biking for a while, we saw something unusual up ahead. I suddenly saw Hazel slowing down…. But it was too late.By Amber T
Week 10 - Kraata? - By Jake
Somewhere in the middle of nowhere
“So why are we all the way out here again”said Dr all confused.
“It's just up ahead ok”said the Scientist,
“There it is” as they stop. The road In Front of them was cut and bent.
“What am I looking at?” said Dr losing his mind.
“You know that device I showed you earlier well it basically DESTROYS LOGIC!” Said the Scientist feeling quite proud of the device.
“BUT SIR WAIT...oh no”.
By dr inferno/jake
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