Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Week 1 - Mystery in the bamboo by Rawiri

As David walks into the bamboo forest, he thinks to himself ‘I wonder why these people gone missing.’
Bamboo branches brush him across the face.
Then David finds floating yellow petals, so he decides to follow them.
He find a little girl that seems to be lost so she helps him find the missing people.
Alone the journey they play Pokemon Go.
They find a pikachu and a hypno.
They find the missing people but then a real life hypno comes alone and hypnotises and forget everything.

The end

By Rawiri Ni.


  1. Great work but you need to add in some words I wonder why these people "HAVE" gone missing.
    Caleb Andrews

  2. I like the word hypnotise its a good word, next time try re read it a little bit in the start it did not make sense. by Ajay room 4.
