Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Blake - X mareks the spot

In the middle of the morning two men hoped into their airplane . The plane was called x marks the spot.  The men were adventurers exploring all over the world.  Off they went in their big airplane.  About halfway to their destination they flew into a storm. Not just any kind of storm it was a cyclone.  They started going out of control, suddenly a bolt of lighting struck the planes wing. They started going down into the sea. Just in time the tall men grabbed their parachutes and jumped out of the plane.  The men landed safely and the plane crashed in the sea.

By Blake

1 comment:

  1. Hello Blake,
    Well done for entering the 100 Word Challenge. What an imaginative use of the prompt, I hadn't considered it could be a name...what a good idea.
    I enjoyed the way you managed to fit so much story into your 100 words. You really have lots of action.. have you thought of using different punctuation to give your words greater impact? a good explanation mark or ellipses can really increase the tension.
    You should be very proud of your writing, keep up the good work.

    Ms Woodgate (Team 100wc) Maidstone, Kent. UK
