There once was a pirate named George and he was a lonely pirate when his grandfather past away. His father was a fisherman so he wasn’t home much. Gorge had to do all the house work. One day he was tidying up his grandfather’s chest and he found something that strake interest and he found a map of his house and there was an X next to the word seller. So he went down to the sellers to investigate he searched every barrel in the sellers so he stood in spot and he said to himself X marks the spot right. He noticed an oddly placed barrel so he moved it but then he saw a secret hatch so he opened it and he found his grandfathers long lost treasure.
By Jordan
Aloha Jordan!
ReplyDeleteHow exciting to find a treasure in your own home! Make sure to proof read your entries, paying close attention to run-on sentences.
Keep writing! Ms. Kelly 100 WC Team