Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Brodie - Hansel & Gretel

Once upon a time a witch walked into the dark forest. She came across a house made entirely out of candy. Inside there was a cage with a little boy and girl. She asked them “what are you doing in this cage?” They told her that a wolf had trapped them  and that he was coming back in five! Foolishly she unlocked the cage with her wand and let them out. The boy distracted the witch by pretending to fall over, while the girl pushed the witch into the cage and locked it. “oh yaahh we are Hansel and Gretel zee witch unters!” they cried.
By Brodie


  1. Your story is AWESOME. I love the twist with Hansel and Gretel.
    From Ruby

  2. Well done Brodie you have used the prompt well and I enjoyed the ending. Your sentences are well controlled and you have used a range off punctuation. Remember to start the dialogue with a capital letter e.g. "What are you doing...?"

    Keep up the great work.

    Mrs Gill (Team 100WC Leeds UK)
