Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Kaitlyn - The Severe Storm

A faded brown statue, abroad with a thousand spring leaves, sways as a light breeze runs through its wings.
As the sky turns grey, dark clouds roll around the night time sky and they force stars to hide away. The clouds take over the whole sky and all light is slowly blocked out. The earth now dark and cold no longer looks like a happy place. Small drops start to fall on me and a strong wind picks up. I start to walk away but the ferocious wind slams me to the ground, everything gets clouded over and I'm out.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kaitlyn,
    Can I just say that in the course of my time making comments on 100WC challenges that this is one of the finest pieces of writing I have encountered. You have an immense talent here which becomes evident from reading the very first sentence.
    I absolutely loved it and have little advice to give such a naturally gifted writer, beyond one - keep writing. The best writers graft, even if it's just a journal.
    Thomas (Team 100WC Ireland)
