Sunday, September 6, 2015

Alyssa C - the boat trip

The noise was deafening as everyone awaited for the reel to stop spinning on the rusty fishing line. It was a prefect calm crystal clear day on the water, the boat gently rocked against the waves created by the JetSkies going past. Beads of sweat trickled down Isaac's four head as he battled the fish. Half an hour later Isaac's arms were numb but he was glad the fish had given up. As he reeled the fish in he was stunned!, was a yellow fin tuna the biggest Isaac had EVER seen! Isaac woke up with a shock, still on the boat waiting for a fish.    


  1. An interesting story Alyssa!
    I loved the catchy introduction.
    Next time work on descriptive language!
    From Zena! :)

  2. Great story Alyssa,
    I love your describing words.
    From Ruby and Anna
