Sunday, September 6, 2015

Madison - Ducks

One day when I was walking home from school I saw some boys shouting and talk really  loud. On the same day there was ducks at my house one start to quacking in my ear the noise was deafening one keep looking at me and quacking. Then I wheat in side then they started to fly a way. It was funny cause the next day they came they start sitting on me. Then they just keep coming to our house. Then one day they didn't come and the next day. Then on Monday they came and I was like not today.

By Madison


  1. Hey Madison, Cool story I like your sentence ( I was like not today). Next time try and used a different word from (then). Keep it up :)

  2. i liked the humor in your story and how you used description but next time re read your story before you send it.
    From Alyssa.C

  3. Great story Madison! You described this very well and I cant wait to hear more!!
    Keep up the great work!! cx

    Caitlin (Rm 11)
