Monday, August 3, 2015

Ben - The world of peace

Peace to me is a world completely protected by a shield of sun to block out any asteroids and where there is no rain but it is still cool. Also peace to me mean that when you get hurt it doesn't hurt and we have 10 lives in life so when you die you come to life as twenty one year old. And also there would be no wars, no violence, no world arguments about politics,no poisonous food and no harsh rules. That's what I think peace is like.....

By Ben


  1. Great words, and punctuation.

    By Tylar

  2. Great job Ben you have really created a picture in my mind of what what peace means to you and this is one of the best stories yet I have read from you. keep up the good work.
    from Andrew.g room 4 valley primary school ; ) : ) = )
