Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tylar - Peace

Peace to me is like, coming home from school getting my key out and sit down on the couch, no noise just me and my dog, until my mum comes with all the kids.. and my sister then the silence ends, so its best you enjoy it while you can. You will have also heard of ‘world peace’ witch is another word of meaning...  bullying and further than that is not allowed. Peace is a good time, letting no stress come to your head especially when your going through hard times. To me, peace is good, and to those who don’t ...
By Tylar


  1. Nice STORY TYLAR!! that tipe of peace sounds nice next time use more full stops.

    By Ben mercer Broadgreen Intermediate School Nelson

  2. good punctuation next use more full stops.

    by dom snape

  3. Awesome story Tylar I really liked it especially when you "enjoy when you can"
    By Kai (buddy)
