Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Week 8 - Fear by Amber T

One day, my family decided that we were going to go to the park for the day. Just the mention of the word “park” made me feel sick. I complained, but as usual my sister was acting all sweet, agreeing with my parents but I was the only one that knew the reason, she was going to get chips if she was good. The whole way over in the car, all my sister talked about was “the rowboats, the squirrels that could fly”. As soon as I stepped out of the car, my legs shook, and my body collided with the cold, hard ground...
By Amber T


  1. Hi Amby
    Love your story
    Next time u should use more describing words
    from Lucy :) :) :)

  2. good story amber ;]

  3. wow good story great use of the words

  4. That was an amazing story Amber. I really liked how you described the girls actions and how she was acting. I also liked how you described the persons emotions, how she felt about going to the park. Great work Ruby :)

  5. Hi Amber t. I really like the bit in your story as soon as I steeped out of the car my legs shook. Next time you need to use some more punctuation. By Sophie.
