The abandoned house stands skeletal on the hill.
Lingering light was obliterated by the rapidly falling night.
The sky changed from pink to purple then to grey washes.
Wind thrashed in the treetops and the clouds burst.
A torrential rain lashed down as Alex entered the building.
Dust bunnies the size of basketballs welcomed her as she walked across the creaky floor boards.
As she walked time slowed down, her footsteps echo within the walls.
Shafts of light burst through the gaps in the boarded up windows.
Alex sprinted downstairs to the front door, and all she could see was two red eyes.
By Caitlin.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Erana - The weird forest
I was strolling through the lonely dark woods when I heard a ferocious growling noise that was coming from the bush behind me.
I turned around and all I could see were two red eyes staring at me.
The growling noises wouldn't stop so I started to run.
Suddenly the red eyed bear started to chase me, this bear was no ordinary bear this bear was chasing me calling out to me "wait stop stop".
I didn't stop i kept on running.
all of a sudden the bear grabbed my arm and said…
Sorry I didn't mean to scare you I just wanted a BIG HUGE HUG!
so the bear wrapped its arms around me and squeezed me as hard as it could it felt nice warm and cosy.
By Erana
Ashley - The Thing In My Room
Darling, it’s bed time.” “Okay, just a minute mum!” I yelled down stairs. As I finish my homework I turn off my ipad and chucked it onto the charger, as soon as I did, I went out of the top lounge opened my door, I was talking to my friend on my phone but I didn’t notice what was inside. I knew it was dark inside, but when I looked up I saw two big red eyes looking at me like one big werewolf getting closer and closer to me, my heart was pounding faster than ever before I quickly turned on the lights BOOM suddenly it….
By Ashley
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Brodie - two red eyes
“AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!” was all you could here and then
Ring Ring Ring “Hello this is Constable John” “sir this is privet jeff, it striked again at 78b on fox and knot” “I’ll be right there!!!”
8:00 AM
“Is this the house” bellowed Constable John as he hopped out of his car “yes sir” said a man wearing a long brown coat and hat. “My name is Detective Brown” he said as they shook hands.”Detective the lady has gained consciousness” crouching down next to her he could hear her say “all I could see were two red eyes, two red eyes”.
By Brodie
Jordan - The red eyes.
It was about midnight I was dreaming about me and a couple friends swimming in a river and we were throwing a ball around and having a bomb competition. So we got out of the river to have some lunch we had some chips and did some fizzy but this was all a dream but I didn’t know that at the time so we were having our lunch and all of a sudden dark clouds filled the sky then I turned around and my friends were gone then a strong gust wind came and then I woke up and all I could see were two red eyes staring directly at my eyes.
By Jordan
Olivia S - Red eyes
Me and Sarah were playing but someone said look in the mirror. Sarah said no and Olivia said no. ok do you want to look in the mirror and tell me what you see. ok so we looked in the mirror . In the mirror we can see red eyes. Two sets of red eyes sparkly.
By Sarah
By Sarah
Riley - The spooky house
Me and my best friend bob were running around at my house. Then we went to the abandoned house, it was really spooky, but we decided to play spotlight. I was in first, after thirty seconds I started looking. “Bob I know where you are,” I said. There was no reply I check every room I could not find him, “I give up, you can come out now,” again there was no reply. “It’s not funny any more Bob.” I found the light switch it would not turn on. All I could see were two red eyes ….
Adam - Bat Attack
I went hunting with my step brother Andrew at night. When we were hunting rabbits we came across this massive tree. I looked in the tree there were 2 red eyes looking at me. "MMMM some delicious blood to eat", said the bat "Brother lets go get him... What they left me!! Maybe cause I slept in". "Andrew the bat coming straight for me" I yelled "Watch out" Then Andrew whacks the bat with his gun" "Thanks" I said "Well I guess I'll go in to that cave"said the bat
By Adam
Brooklyn - the big red eyes
it was time for bed so i got in my pjs and got ready for bed. I brush my teeth and i get into bed.i read my book for 30 minutes, mum yells out "lights out now" and tried to go to sleep but something was not... I got up and turn on the light but nothing was there so i turn the light back off. But all i could see was these red eyes steering at me so i turn the lights back on and and went to sleep with the light on the whole night.
By Brooklyn
By Brooklyn
It was room 11’s camp and tonight we are going on a night bush walk, it will be heaps of fun because me Jet -li and Jorden are going to scare the teacher. As we walk to the start of the bush walk we are plotting our diabolical plain. We start of at the front then make our way to the back, then we run off into the bush. Soon we are lost, me and Jet-li are fighting I say that he forgot the way and he says i'm just an idiot. I looked up all I could see were two red eyes.
By Sam
Sarah - Remember those day
… All I saw were two red eyes …. When I
open the door. A small kid stared at me. Oh here you are I said handing him
some candy, but instead he grabbed me by the arm. I told me to let go of me. But
he didn’t Zoey help I cried to her, but my friend came too late I was gone. A
bag over my head I thought I was in a van. Then the car came to a stop, I hit
my head on the on the floor and just like it was over….
By sarah
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Ben - The dark dark cave
Two very keen hikers were out hiking one day in pine forests of Canada it was very dark and scary because it was nighttime and they were camping on the outside of a dark dark cave the dark cave looked very spooky and when one of the hikers woke up the other hiker was seriously injured in the arm it looked like a bear scratch the hiker that didn't get hurt went the cave to see what was in there and went 100metres in the cave and he found a fluffy brown blanket but it wasn't it was a big brown bear and it killed the guy and 1:00 hour later the other guy was dead because he committed suicide and on the news it said two men died from a brown bear.
By Ben
Kaitlyn - A mysterious Bird.
It was my job to explore the western jungle, my job to report any new species, my job to get out alive. I trembled as I thought about the two thousand dollars it cost the Council to get me here, that everyone trusted me to do this right, that EVERYTHING was riding on ME! As I walked through the jungle, I felt like someone was following me. I looked at the ground and I turned. Two white- webbed feet sat there. Purple feathers covered the creatures body, and on its white head, all I could see were two red eyes.
By Kaitlyn
Anna - My horror story.
I Dashed through the dark forest my feet frozen like ice-blocks, I quickly jumped in my hiding spot and hoped that Ella wouldn't find me. All around the dense forest I could hear people scuttling into their hiding spots hoping the same as me, that we wouldn't get found. Suddenly there was a noise behind me it sounded like an evil growl! I slowly turned around trying not to crush the leaves under me so ella wouldn't hear but all I could see were two red eyes glowing in the distance. The eyes were slowly creeping up on me closer and closer! I sprinted as faster than I had ever before in my life hoping that whatever it was couldn't catch me....
By Anna
Maddison - the corner...
I walk into a little pet shop and I look over to the little dark corner of the room and wonder what could be there. I get off my very uncomfortable green plastic chair and walk towards the dark corner. But i'm stopped by the shop owner “I have never seen such a beautiful little boy before” she said. The old lady has an eye patch that's weird I thought. she said “I bet you wanna see what is that corner well will show you” she nudges me over there all i could see were to red eyes…..It was a unicorn
By Maddison
Ruby - Red eyes
It is a dark cold night, you are walking in a forest with no idea where you are going.
It is a school camp and your friends dared you to walk into the forest and bring back a pile of berries from the rasberry bush in the centre of the forest.
You don’t know where you are going, they didn’t give you a map or a torch, they didn’t give you anything at all.
There are twigs snapping under your feet giving you a fright every time and roots making you trip over and graze your knee.
Then when you think you are there everything goes quiet and all you can see are two red eyes.
By Ruby
Monday, July 27, 2015
Luke - Dig dug
One bright we went down to the beach. We got your spade and hoped in the car. We stared digging holes and jump of a cliff it was so fun we had so much fun at the beach. We dug a massive hole. So I got in it and all I could see were two red eyes. So we dug down more and there was a whole family of spider. Soon they all climbed out of the hole and stared eating people and it was so gorse. after that we got in the car and head back home or did we
By Luke
Chavawn - The bats in the dark, cave!
As I slowly walked into the pitch black cave I heard a strange noise coming from the end of the cold, dark, cave. The suddenly a small rock fell from the roof of the cave. I looked up, and all I saw were red eyes, peeping from the top of the cave. “BATS”!!! I shouted and the bats all came flying down attacking me and franticly trying to find there way out of the cave. I stand in silence as the bats obviously don’t like noise. They swarm past me and finally there gone, out of the dark cave.
By Chavawn
Blake - Scratching in the night
I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night
hearing scratching at the front door. I
quickly got changed and walked out to the hallway to the front door. The noise was even louder than before and the
animal seemed to me more desperate to
get in the house . So I slowly opened
the door. But there was no one, all I could see was too big red eyes suddenly it jumped on
me I quickly got it off and ran to the light switch. As I flicked it on, it was on my shoulder but
it was only my black cat Samson so I shut the door.
By Blake
Tylar - Mountain Biking
I went mountain biking up a very steep hill. But it was very slippery and I fell off the hill and landed in a deep cave. I had a search around there wasn’t much, but darkness. I keep looking and found a tunnel, so I went through it and it lead me to a room that was light, so I can now easily see. I walked around and fell down a hole. Now i’m scared, I think I broke a leg but I can still hop. I continue with exploring all I could see was to red eyes.
By Tylar
Nikita - The day my teacher became a rat
It was an ordinary day at school and we did learning as usual but the strange thing was my teacher mr cramberry was not his usual self.He was eating a lot more than he usually would and he had rat teeth which he had perfect fine teeth yesterday.We were watching a movie and it was dark then the movie turned off and we all turned around to look at mr cranberry and all I could see were TWO READ EYES.AHHHH we all screamed and ran outside and mr cramberry chased after us.Me and my friends hid in the janitors closet and till this day we do not know what happened to the rest of the children…..
By Nikita
Dom - The duck
All I could see were two red eyes and a big black duck. It was the biggest duck I have ever seen. So I ran as fast as I can then I fell into a hole. It was the bigggest hole, I went right to the end of it and guess what there were more of the big ducks so I went back up the hole and ran as fast as I can. Then I killed one of them at a time with my pink shotgun, it can kill 3 pepole at a time. After that I went back to the beach.
By Dom
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Alyssa McN - That girl???
The wind is howling pushing me around unsteady, I can't see clearly, dirt and dust blowing into my face, my hair swinging rapidly in front of me. It was hard to hear anything with all the wind and breaking branches, but then the noise stopped and all I could hear was a whisper in a calm voice in my ear saying "they are coming for you" I turn around to see a tall girl, long black hair, and a long black dress. Then she disappears and the loud sounds come back, what is happening as tears dripping down my cheek? Just bad weather I guess?
From Alyssa McNamara
From Alyssa McNamara
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Ashley - The Bad Holiday
One holiday a family were going somewhere they have never had been before, but what they didn’t know is that they were going to the same place. So as they boarded the plane, they were so excited to go to that special place they had chosen. Afue hours later and they were in New Zealand, they thought that it would have been sunny, but instead it poring like heck it was the worst time to come. As they landed they called a taxi to pick them up. They were really disappointed they wanted to go rainbows end but suddenly...
By Ashley
Jordan - The rainy day
Rain rain rain rain it’s always raining in the winter and it sucks it’s either sunny with a cold wind or its cloudy with cold rain with a chance of snow. Make your mind up Mother Nature. So it was Wednesday 15th of July and raining the hole day and I couldn’t go to the under 13 retrials because it was raining the hole day so the grounds were closed. So I just had to sleep in until about 12:00 in the afternoon and then I watched some YouTube on my phone for 3 hours. And then my phone went flat so then i played on the ps3 for the rest of the day.
By Jordan
Chavawn - The Storm
The wind was howling, the ground was ice cold and leaves were slowly blowing of the tall trees.
But what was most surprising was the tornado. The tornado that was destroying buildings and ripping the trees out of the ground. You could hear people scream for help as the huge gush of flood water ran through the cities and streets, but did anyone listen? No. You could even hear the birds and animals tweeting and meowing as the weather frightened them. It frightened everyone. But still no help came?
By Chavawn
Adam - Bad Weather
By mum im going to my freands house said josh. Ok be home by 5 said joshs
mum. I will. When I got to my freands house is stared to rain, when and my
freand were watching tv breaking news came on saying a hurracine was caming
so I rang my mum she said stay there and i said ok then wind picked up it
got stronger and stronger and my freands roof came off then lightening
struck in the middle of the house then we ran down stairs and it was all
By Adam
mum. I will. When I got to my freands house is stared to rain, when and my
freand were watching tv breaking news came on saying a hurracine was caming
so I rang my mum she said stay there and i said ok then wind picked up it
got stronger and stronger and my freands roof came off then lightening
struck in the middle of the house then we ran down stairs and it was all
By Adam
Olivia S - Bad Weather
This is what bad weather is made of Clouds dropping out rain really fast and the wind blows . Thunder and lightening can mean it is really
bad weather but it is really hard to take a photo because the lightening flashes across the sky so fast. The weather man tells us about the weather and when it is really bad he tells us to stay inside, he warns us. At the moment he warns us of the icy cold that make snowflakes.
Snow and ice can be dangerous because you are slipping and cars can't drive because there is too much snow. But snow can be cool because you can makeangels so it isn't always bad weather. BUT BE WARNED OF TORNADO'S
By Olivia
Maddison - The sounds
I sit in my room hearing the thunder boom its voice so everyone can hear. Then I look out my window, I see the lightning dance across the sky like a graceful ballerina dancing across the dark cloudy room. The hail hits the ground a gentle thud I wish everyday it could be like this, that everyday you could hear the amazing sounds of nature.
By Maddison
By Maddison
I hate bad weather when I have to do my business outside I get wet. This does mean that I get to stay inside and play with the two legged creatures. sometimes they leave me outside what did I do how can you leave me out in the cold rain, mind you it’s fun to roll around in the mud. Then I have to have a bath but there is no point because i'm just gonna get dirty again. what i'm really scared of is the loud noise coming from the sky, when it is gray it gets angry and raws.
By Sam
Brooklyn - The bad weather
one morning I woke up and got ready for school. The wind was howling I could hear it through the windows in my room. I snuggled down further under my covers to keep warm and listened to the wind and rain. I could hear Mum saying "come on girls its time to get up" but i tried to ignore it. Mum worked out that i wasn't getting up and she came down to my room, so i quickly got up and got ready for school. As we were leaving there was thunder and lightning it was quite cool but also scary. On the way to school there was flooding and water was racing down the road and the further we got the worse the water on the road got. Mum decided that it was to dangerous to keep going to school so we all came back home for the day. We watched videos on the internet of the weather and the flooding around Nelson.
By Brooklynn
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Cailtin - Droplets
The wide avenue is lit by the first rays of light.
Little droplets of water drenched Danielle as she cantered down the tar black road.
The droplets turned into a torrential rain pour.
Coldness seeped into her skin as the clouds grew thicker and thicker.
The boughs of the trees swayed in the strengthening gust.
There was a mutter of thunder from the blackened sky as the wind tore leaves from trees.
The clouds above Danielle oozed and billowed across the morning rays.
Violent wind whipped her blonde hair around her face as she ran into the distance.
By Caitlin
Anna - Horrid weather.
Eva slushed through the algid pearl
white snow. Rain was cascading down from the dark grey sky like a fountain. Her
blonde hair was all matted and dripping with water. She sighed, when are we
going to get some good weather around here Eva thought. Suddenly there was a
flash of lightning and everything stopped. The sky’s grey clouds had parted to
show a captivating and mesmerizing sunset. The clouds all pated to the sides
could have been mistaken for colossal fluffy marshmallows scattered like a
flock of sheep. The sky was an array of pink red orange and purple while the
pale moon peeked shyly at her.
By Anna Sawyer
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