Monday, June 8, 2015

Anna - Tiring Triathlon.

Lumpy brown Mud oozed and squelched through my running shoes. My backpack felt so heavy it was like my shoulders had shrunk.  Then finally I saw it right in front of me, the red tape signifying I had finished the race. I dashed down towards the peaceful beach. As each strong wave pounded on the rocks, I stood spellbound by the glistening sea. The spray of the ocean and foam creeped up the steps, trying to make contact with my wrinkly feet. I sighed loudly, and thought to myself ‘why would I want to live anywhere else’?
                                        By Anna


  1. I liked how you said lumpy brown mud instead of brown mud and I liked how you used a simile it was like my shoulders had shrunk.

  2. Josh here
    Good description and go use of word
    I like the start "brown mud oozed' i like the word oozed
