Monday, June 22, 2015

Madison - Chocolate bunny

One day I was walking down the street. Then I saw a chocolate bunny for 1$ I got it then I went home and put the bunny in the sun. The chocolate bunny melted in the I went back in the kitchen and there was a melted chocolate everywhere. It had got on the floor it was hard to get off the floor and the table once I got it off the floor and the table. I saw some on the dish washer. I could not get it off the dish washer I try again it worked. By the I needed something to eat. 
By Madison.


  1. Hey, I really like your story. Next time you should read it and make sure you haven't missed out any words. In this sentence 'the chocolate bunny melted in the' you missed out sun. Keep trying :)

  2. It would of been a really good story if you had re read it and checked to make sure it makes sense

    Samira Valley school
