Tuesday, June 16, 2015

AShley - The piano shop


Two days ago my family went to get my brother a guitar so he practice with it.  It took us about half an hour to find the right shop for the right guitar.  So we went in and there was a lot of instruments in the shop there where violins, guitars, drums and pianos on one of them I could hear my dad playing on a piano.  The notes from the piano made my mum start to sing, when people walked by they looked at my mum and dad funny so I told them to go away and mind there on business.    
By Ashley


  1. i love your name AShley

  2. nice story Ashely nice writing language next time try anduse more descriptive language.

    By Ben Mercer Broadgreen intermediate school nelson

  3. Wel done Ashley
    I really liked how u added the mind your own business bit
    From Nikita broadgreen intermediate :)

  4. Your story is really good Ashley!
    Just remember to re-check your story to make sure it makes sense.

  5. I love the humor in your story, next time maybe make sure it makes sence.
    From your Dragon friend.

  6. I like how you made the story funny. Next time re-read your story and make sure it makes sense.
    From Alyssa.C

  7. I like your story it is very good and I like the first sentence. But maybe next time you could add a bit more punchuation in it.
    by Abbey Valley school

  8. Nice story Ashley, next time you could use more descriptive words, and more language features.

    Otautau school Jack
