Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Ruby - The last one

The chocolate rabbit melted in the sun.  It was the last chocolate left in
the annual Easter egg hunt.
Nobody had found it.  The kids where getting tired as the hot sun beat down
on them.  No one wanted to carry on.
"Come on kids there's still one more rabbit to find and it's the biggest",
said one of the mums.  Nobody cared, everyone just wanted to eat the
chocolate that they already had.
The day past by and still nobody found the chocolate rabbit, it sat there
waiting.  All the kids were busy playing, some even started going home.
What will happen to the bunny?   Will it get found later on or will 
it rot or dissolve...

By Ruby


  1. Hi Ruby,
    I really like your post on ... the chocolate rabbit melted in the sun .... Mabye next time you need to add some or a simile. What a great story. :)

  2. Wow that was a great story you used some good describing words next time you could try add a simile or use some instresting words to it good job :)
    From Ruby valley school
