Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Week 1 - Embarrasment by Caleb

It’s was the day the day were I would get my gold star. I had waited all year for this and It’s had to get, only about 50 people get it.But then suddenly I realised I need 10 more points. I’m so close and then I realised the only Pacifaca.So I dont do it I dont get my gold star. I don’t care I’ll just not get it and not get the day off.

By Caleb


  1. Nice,but next i think you should read over your story,Harriett :/

  2. You have 74 words the limit is 90-110 Kynan [Word Police]

  3. I really liked your story but next time check through your work more carefully for punctuation and to make sure it makes sense. Well done Ruby

  4. You dont have enough words Caleb you only have 73. by Sam

  5. you need to check your punctuation.

  6. What do you mean by 'Pacifica'?
    I like the urgency in the story
    By Luke
