Monday, May 30, 2016

Week 5 -The Police Visit by Amber T

“I strolled down the path, towards a park bench. I thought it would be a great idea to get out of that stuffy office. I sat down on the park bench and read the book I brought. Suddenly, something touched my shoulder and I nearly fell off my seat! I thought I’d lost my mind because I saw a statue. “Hello sir, sorry for scaring you. What fine weather we’re having”, the statue spoke. Then I felt a horrendous pain in my chest and I fell to the ground. And that’s all I can remember.” “Thank you Mr Mitchell, you are free to leave now”, the policeman replied.


  1. It was a very lovely story

    ~Sam Carter

  2. Hi Amber .T.
    Great job on your story.
    And a very good job on describing your story. Keep up the good work.
    If you want to check out my story click here
    by najat
