Tuesday, May 31, 2016

week5 - The Gold Gun by Jake

12:58, dead cemetery
“All right vezon you ready”said pridax
“Oh yes i have the new toy right here”said vezon
“IT'S A... oh forget it.JUST GIVE ME THE GUN”said pridax grabbing the gun out Vezons hand
“HEY I WASN'T FINISHED PLAYING WITH THAT”said vezon grabbing the gun again
“SHUT UP MADMAN!”shouted pridax punching vezon in the face
“AHHH”vezon screamed as he almost falls off the building
“Alright time to see what this can do” said pridax aiming at a civilian sitting down on a bench
“Boom”said pridax as he fires the gun.the civilian turned to gold witnesses were weird they tried to find out why this happened but there was nothing

By Jake

1 comment:

  1. Great story Jake
    why did you save people then try kill someone!

    Here is my link to storyhttps://msbrennocksclass.100wc.net/misery-voice-alex/
