Monday, May 30, 2016

Week 5 - All Blacks by Sam Ctr

My friend Jim Aka Statue Man and I had some McDonalds and went to catch the bus that went to the rodeo.  As we sat down a guy called Richie sat down right beside us reading the All Blacks starting lineup for 2016.  He was really excited that eight Highlanders got into the team.  As I was a more of a cricket guy, I stood up and let Jim and Richie talk about the Wales and New Zealand test match coming up.  As the bus turned up Jim and I didn't notice the time and just jumped on the bus….. but we had jumped on the wrong bus!

By Sam Ctr

1 comment:

  1. Cool story Sam, but next time add more commas - I got out of breath reading it aloud very quickly!

    ~ Ryan B
