Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Week 2 - Up in the clouds by Lucy

When I walk up the stairs all I can think about is falling. But the smell of fresh daisies soothes me. Butterflies and dragonflies glide and flutter around me. I can no longer see the bottom of the stairs and I start to worry. But something in me tells me to keep on walking. A light breeze crosses my face. The clouds were getting closer and closer and I could just about touch them. It started to rain so I ran up the stairs. I got to the end of the stairs and sat on the clouds. I felt at home and I felt safe.

Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 4.39.48 pm.png


  1. good job your descriptive language is great I like the part you wrote about the dragonflies gliding and fluttering around you.
    from scarlett.

  2. Welldone.

  3. Welldone.

  4. great story Lucy you used the promt really good

  5. What a lovely story Lucy .I love how you described your story.
    Keep up the good work.
    By Najat

  6. This is a great piece of writing Lucy, you have used some great language in this piece...'the smell soothes me', 'dragonflies glide around me'. Keep up the great work. Mrs P
