Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Week 9 - Jail time for me by Ava

As I stood with the gun in my left hand that I had killed a girl that I did not know with.I could hear screaming and crying from the public and members who new her.
As I looked at her pale skin I started to cry.
I knew what I had done. I had killed someone and I had committed crime. and now I am going to be sent to jail for the rest of my life.

Then I could hear sirens of the cop cars coming,I feeled like running but it's too late I did not bugge.
By Ava

Week 9 - I dream by Sophia

I scampered through the cells looking for a way out. I didn't do anything except look after my family by looking for food. I am a mouse, stuck in this prison. I am surrounded by multiple threats mouse traps, the guard dogs and worst of all the humans. These creature are 3000 times bigger than me and could kill me with one step. I am beginning to starve and I’m now extremely frail. I weave myself through the steel bars as i run for my life. I now live with a hairy putrid man named Bruce. I dream of being back with my family, I need to make a plan!

Week 9 - Stuck in the cell by Scarlett

I sat there letting the cold take over, letting the breeze run through my fingertips. I was thinking...thinking of a way to get out of this cold dark place. I found a pin on the ground. It had a red handle with a silver shiney point to it. I was pacing back and forth staring  wondering what to do with it. Suddenly it came to me I could pick the lock to let myself out. So I tried and tried but it was no use the bar was to rusty and old and could only be unlocked with a key or a larger object. I am stuck in here for another 4 years.       

By Scarlett

Week 8 - King of the world by Sam Ctr

It was a very hard slog up the Richmond Hills to the Fire Tower Lookout.

I caught my breath and turned around to look at everything in front of me.  I owned the best scenery ever.

The steep hills, the green Bush below and out in front of me the crystal-clear turquoise salty seawater. Back towards me, in the middle, the little lego houses with all the people and animals (like tiny ants from my position) walking, running, playing and living out their lives.  

It all belonged to me.  I felt like the King of the World.  

By Sam Ctr

Week 9 - The Life In Prison by Vannary

When I got locked up I felt scared the reason I got put in jail is because i kidnapped a 8 yrs old girl. I sat there and did nothing most of the time i slept, I got given food but not enough I starved I made an escape plan.
When the guard gives me food i will grab him and take the key of their belt and stab him in the neck with a key there was no other way every wall was made out of brick even the floor. Alcatraz was a very bad place why does is even exist

By Vannary

Week 9 - CUAGHT RED HANDED by Harriett

I heard police cars round me i knew i was caught,well he shouldnt rip me off next time i was angry and he was injured the police came out of the car with a gun and said put your hands up i put my hands up and hopped into the police car we drove down to prison the throw me into the sell it was dusty and gross.

By Harriett

Week 9 - Prisoner of War by Luke

10:30, Alcatraz Federal Prison,1962
“How did I get here”I thought for the millionth time. I am an American from Texas.  But I am a prisoner of war from Vietnam (even though we are in U.S.A) I joined up as soon as possible for war because my parents and grandparents fought in WW2.  I was eager to impress.   I got here because I came home because I had leave, but police arrested me for something.  I don’t know what it is.  My room is cramped and really small.  I have got a bed, basin,shelves and a small desk with a painting I am doing.  I am sure my parents are fighting to get me out because I didn’t do what they say I did.  But I have a backup plan.  I found a small shovel and I am currently digging a hole to climb out. I also have a head to trick the guards.The people in the cell next to me are John and Clarence Anglin.  They are chipping away at the wall to make a hole for them to escape.

10:35- Snack time.

By Luke

Week 9 The Escape - By Danny

Alcatraz, the island of hell. I had been stuck in this dump for five years and I had 11 to go. I knew I wouldn’t survive that long,I was innocent anyway I had been framed for the murder of a famous singer. But I knew There just had to be a way out...

I had been in this box of concrete and bars for eight years now and I had thought of a plan…

Next time we are out building more of the prison I can sneak into one of the rubbish skips and the supply boat will carry me to shore. I can then sneak out of the skip and tada, I’ve escaped.

By Danny

Week 9 - Isolated by Zoe

Cold iron cuffs clamped my wrists as tough hands grasped my shoulder blade.  Preventing me from making even the slightest flinch. I heard the “click, click, click” of the prison guard removing my handcuffs. Up until now I had been staring at my feet now as I lifted my head thousands of eye’s darted in my direction. Reality began to set in, I scanned my surroundings.  There was a strange mood in the atmosphere I could sense fear. Before I could fully grasp my situation metal bars slammed in my face. I inspected my cell thick concrete walls barricaded me within their arms.  This was surly hell.

By Zoe

Week 9 - my life for the next 14 years by Sam Ctr

I was taken to my home for the next 14 years. My heart thudded, then I fainted.

I awoke to a Guard outside my cell.  He told me I fell on my head. I touched the hockey-ball-sized egg. I stood up in my 3x2m cell, with bed, sink, toilet, and shelves.  Everything was growing mold. The sink was chipped, the shelves cut (or bit) off.  The toilet had stickiness everywhere, probably pee.
The floor was concrete making it colder.  Even worse there was only one blanket, which someone had knitted.

I sat down and thought, what have I done with my life!?!

And I hadn’t met the inmates yet.

By Sam Ctr

Week 9 - The girl how tried to help her brother by Jasmine

It was 1807 and I was sentenced to 3 years in jail, all because I had tried to take some shoe polish for my older brother.
He had tried to get a job as a shoe polisher and he had got the job. But there was one problem, he did not have any shoe polish.
I had tried to take some shoe polish from someone in the market but I got caught and sent to jail.
The jail cell that I was in smelt like wet dog and and the air had a thick musty smelling air.

It was cold and the floor was as hard as stone. Well it was stone

By Jasmine

Week 9 - All because of her by Ruby

He paces up and down the small prison cell as he runs his hands through his light blonde hair. He shakily takes a seat on his bed in an attempt to calm himself. He can’t believe it, he won’t believe it.

The whole place reeks of sweat, the walls are covered in moss. How is this even legal he wondered to himself. He shouldn’t be in here, she should, not him. Now he has to pay for a crime he did not commit.

Hours feel like days, days feel like months, months feel like years, all because of her.

By Ruby

Week 9 - Alcatraz by Ryan

I would not like to lock up this cell because it is scary because you met not very nice people
I could escape by using tnt
Alcatraz is special because it is like a small jail
I would be put in jail for killing someone
It looks small

By Ryan

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Week 9 - Lock Up by Jake

10:00pm plague lab
“Wh what happened.wh where am i”said the prisoner ,confused
“You're in plague labs”said dr walking up to his cell
“Oh it's you”said the prisoner “what have you done this time”
“Does project life ring a bell”said dr
“'re the c....clone”whispered the prisoner as he choked to death
“Oh forget it by by the morning you dead toxin YOU HERE ME YOUR DEAD”shouted dr leaving the jail

By Jake

Week 9 - The first escape from alcatraz by Rawiri

2019, 20:30 pm… A new prisoner arrive at Alcatraz, his name was David Samuel Thomas Mitchell.
As soon as he arrived at Alcatraz, he began planning him & his cellmates escape.
The cellmates name is guard crusher.
David went to prison for child abuse.
The plan was to escape prison while killing 2 million guards & an explosion behind them.
5:30 am.
The plan begins, they get out of their cell & killing 20 guards.
They find explosives.
Then the dynamic duo plants the explosives around the prison.
Just as they walk out the prison the warden sets of the explosives while killing 2 million guards & guard crusher.
David is knocked out, when he wakes, he finds himself inside a maximum security prison.

By Rawiri

Week 9 - The holiday by Cruz

I've been in here for 2 years all because I needed some money so I went to a bank and took 50 dollars and I got caught and they took me here Alcatraz my cell is a little box on the bottom floor the last sell I was always trying to get out but I always got caught but one day I made a mistake with one of my plans and i made my machine and I turned it on but smoke went everywhere man that stank me out they took me to the hospital I was on life support for the rest of my life.

By Cruz

Week 9 - Amnesia by Lucy

I woke up in a cold room on a hard flat bed.I didn't know where I was. It looked like I was in jail. But I didn't do anything bad. I got out of my bed and stood up. I went to the bars and tried to look around. Suddenly I could hear someone coming. I raced back into my bed. An officer stopped at my cell and said “Someone’s her to see you”. I followed him into a room with lots of people. He directed me to a chair with two people sitting on the other side of the table. There was a lady and a man. The lady said “ Oh Tim I’m so disappointed in you”. I said “Who’s Tim and who are you”? They said “Stop playing games Tim,we are your parents and you are Tim”! “I’m not Tim” I said in a loud voice. They whispered to each other maybe he’s got amnesia. I got out of the chair and went back to my room. I was so confused.

By Lucy

Week 9 - Time by Mac

I lay there thinking why, why did I run from the police after I speed past them then I wouldn't have to be here in this pigsty, the food is appalling and to top it off I have nothing of my own and I can't see my family.  I just lay there watching the time go by second by second on the smashed clock on the dark cold grafted wall, 5 years won't go fast looking at the clock the whole time but it is the only thing I can do for the 5 years but I i'll be out soon.

By Mac

Week 9 - Alcatraz by Brandon

It was 1954 I got put in alcatraz because all the others prisons couldn't hold me in for more than 2 years I always got out but alcatraz was something different the guards look like they have seen a ghost. When I finally got into my cell everything was off there was no fights no one was next to me I need to get out of this maze but it was my first day here so I’ll see what happens. As I got into the main eating part of the prison there was no one no voices nothing it was like I was rat in a maze so I waited of about 3 to 5 years and then someone else came to the prison a new story in alcatraz


Week 9 - The escape by Sam Cur

There once was a guy named alcatraz he got sent to a prison in the middle of the sea in NYC it is the most brutal prison in the world and Alcatraz knew that so he wanted to escape. It was Day 2 in the prison and he saw the painting in his cell was crooked so he went to straighten it and it fell of the wall. He saw a big hole behind it and saw it was a passage he climbed into the hole and knew that it was going to be his only chance. When he got near the end he saw the bright light of the outside world. When he made it out he saw a boat and jumped on and escaped. From this very day the prison is now called Alcatraz because he was the only one ever to escape

Week 9 - Prison by Ryan B

‘Ugh. It’s awful here. Horrible food, damp cell and there’s rat everywhere! The cell toilet is even exposed out in the open!  I can’t wait until I get to go home, I feel as if the prison has forgotten me, surely it’s been 7 years already.  I hate using the sink, the tap handle is all rusty and every time the basin is filled the whole sink creaks, as if it was about to collapse. Sometimes, the guards even flick the the light switch on in the middle of the night, because it’s right next to the door!’

By Ryan B

Week 9 -Jax Novoa !!! by Amber N

Jax Novoa I sentence you to 25 years in the Alcatraz prison for the use of showing humans that you're a wizard.
2 hours later
“I have already been in here for 2 hours i've learnt my lesson so let me out of here.”
“You will be in here for 25 years you are not getting out.”
‘Fine  I guess i'll find a way out.”
2 days later
There is no way out I have tried everything I tried using my powers, digging a hole and crawling out and squeezing my way through the bars but  none of it worked.   
7 years later

Is that a way out it can't be I looked for ways out for years!.

By Amber N

Week 9 - Escape by Caleb

Day 1:
What where am I, I say to myself? Is this jail. What did I do wrong? An officer walks in and glared at me in a funny way. He takes me to a prison cell that was cold and damp. I ask why am I her but my voice just echoes over and over again down the dark aisle.

I think to myself what have I done that could have got me into prison. My mind is blank and I can't remember anything. I keep thinking and I start to recover my memory and remember my bad twin brother sam who had swapped identities with me.

By Caleb

Week 9 - Alcatraz By Amber T

A shiver ran down my spine as we entered the island. The security guards grabbed my arms spitefully and pulled me towards the entrance of the gates. I looked behind me and took one last glance outside before sloping inside. I was thrown into my cell. I looked at it in disgust and sat on the rock hard mattress. This was going to be my home now for the rest of my life. While coming over on the boat, I had thoughts about escaping but no one has ever escaped. I cried myself to sleep that night with an empty stomach. I guess this is what I deserve.

By Amber T

Week 9 - The prison break by Matthew

It had been 5 years earlier, in 1958, March 21’st I committed a crime I couldn’t forget. My name is Frank Morris and I found out Alcatraz was shutting down, that means soon I’ll be free from this rock, mostly everyone got to leave. But they told me and two others we were getting transferred to another prison. today I was getting shipped, two guards came into my cell to take me away when BOOM! BOOM! The two guards collapsed instantly with a bullet to the chest, a prison Inmate stood behind the guards with a pistol in his hand. I escaped with him. But if anyone asks me why did you escape I’ll say it was better than sitting there in an abandoned Prison with the door open.

By Matthew

Week 9 - Alcatraz prison by Michaela

I was taken to an island called Alcatraz island, 2.01 km off shore from San Francisco. They locked me in a cell small enough to touch both walls at the same time with ease. There was a small sink, toilet and a bed that looked like it hadn't been cleaned in a while and the walls were filthy. As I tried to sleep all I felt was cold, the only warmth I had was my clothes and a small blanket/sheet. I felt terrible when I woke up knowing I will be here for a long time.

By Michaela

Week 9 - The Great Escape by Connor

I have been stuck in jail 3 years straight, now it is my time to get out of this dump.  I have my plan all ready I just need to wait until tomorrow morning.  Finally it’s morning, the guard walks into my cell with  breakfast.  The guard falls to the ground while I am strangling him with dental floss.  I quickly reached to my potato that wasn't a potato but was c4.  I promptly threw the c4 at the back cell wall and run out the door.  At that time I exploded the c4.  I run  out the wall only to find myself falling from a 50 ft prison facility.

Image result for cartoon prison

Week 9 - Dead Man by Kynan

Grotty floor, cracked ceiling and a toilet that was filled with a dead man's poop. The only thing that was cool about this room was the fact that I had two not one shelves!! What could be a white glossy toilet turned bad when a guy decided to kill someone and get put in jail and decides to kill my sense of smell with that dump in the toilet.I feel sad for the people that live in here but I have to break in, to let him out it just has to happen.
“Hey what you doing” asked the policeman
“Helping him break out”
“Ok have fun”

By Kynan

Monday, June 27, 2016

Week 9 - Arrested by Tamara

“Oh no, I have been put in jail”. The police lady told me that I’d thrown a bomb at a car! “Oppps!“

Once it was bedtime, I started a plan of getting out. But how? The police lady fell asleep. I got out my drill and thought to myself it is too noisy. But then I looked at the floor and found a pair of keys. I picked them up and slowly opened the door. All the police were sleeping. When I got out of the station the light was on. I snuck through the shadows. I jumped the fence, the spotlight saw me BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!  

The police set one of their dogs on me. It was a black and white Doberman. It chased after me then he bit Ouch!

By Tamara

Week 9 - Framed by Abby

The sound of bars slamming shattered down my spine, I angrily trudged along with the guards holding me down tight, the handcuffs tightening with every sudden movement I make. I look around feeling eyes being shot at me, each glare broke my vision, pressuring my sight to focus as it blurs. I hunch over while I walk, not bearing to take another second looking at the dark faces that surround me. We stop, as I get a large shove into a cell, it smelt horrible. The guards frown and slam the bars, the sound echos from the walls. Funny how I get sent here for something I didn’t do.

By Abby

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Week 7 The Tornado by Matthew


I waited for the airplane at the airport, a musician was playing a violin in front of a yellow wall. I had just eaten a jaffa, when BOOM! Thunder boomed in the sky, i saw a plane come to land. Then a sudden burst of light smashed into the side of the plane sending it spiralling to the ground with a fiery explosion. I ran to the airport door when WHHHHUUUURRRR. I was swept up by a tornado that had smashed through the airport. I was getting picked higher and higher through the rapidly rotating tornado, then everything stopped. I fell to the ground and everything went black.

Week 8 -Everything by Ryan

Don’t you ever wish you could have everything you see? I’m lucky like that. Everything I see becomes mine. Sometimes I have to wear a blindfold, because people complain they’ve been robbed. It’s quite hard actually, I always need to be escorted by two people when wearing the blindfold, one person in front and one person behind. Occasionally I like to walk through the market, and look at all the hand-crafted items available, deciding whether or not I want it.
It’s quite useful in restaurants, because I just need to look at the menu and they’ll bring out all the food, instead of deciding which food I want.

Ryan B

Week 8 - alone by Zoe


I imagined what it would be like to have all I could see, from the still waters of the deep blue lake to the distant mountain ranges casting dark silhouettes, shadowing the valley.  All the way to the rolling hillsides and trickling brooks that cascade through the wet bush.   

My humble tent stood alone in the towering grass.  This was the only place I could relax, out here away from the bustling city streets and flashing lights.  I gazed up into the night billions of stars shone illuminating the darkness.  I took a deep breath, the air was crisp.  I sighed, this was my home.

By Zoe

Week 8 - I imagined by Ryan TM

I imagined what it would be like to have a big hoiuse

1. In Australia near beach
2. Bedroom near deck
3. You can see the beach really well
4. A big ocean, look at birds
5.Four bedrooms and two lounges and a big tv

By Ryan TM

Week 8 - I wonder by Mac

I was walking down the streets of london and turned the corner to see a Mclaren p1 parked on the side of the road, and I thourt to myself I wonder what it would be like to own a Mclaren p1.  But there was no time to admire it  I had the lotto to win, it was up to its highest it has ever been, which is $2000000000.  I carried on my way to the dairy, got my ticket just in time to get home and sit down in front of the tv.  It was just starting and the guy said “tonight we have a mystery prize, okey let's get into the draw” and I guess what I won the money and a Mclaren p1.

By Mac  

Week 8 - Dream coming true by Amber T

I was thinking of something to do for our writing homework at school when an amazing idea popped into my head. I imagined what it would be like to have all I could see. Say if I wanted a dog that I saw somewhere, one glance and boom, it would be mine! I rushed to the computer and started typing quickly. Before I knew it I had two pages full of ideas about the subject. I handed it into the teacher the next day and got top of the class! But when I got home there were random things in my room that I had seen before but weren’t mine...

Week 8 - my dream by Jack

On a weekday i was on top of a hill, i was looking down on the city and some islands, i had a dream,. Everything i imagined what it would be like, to have all i could see. I saw a island,sky tower and mclaren f1 and a speed boat.
I was driving

down the street in my mclaren f1, every one was looking at my car, i was driving to my sky tower as the garage door opened and the liquid forming   door of the car morphed, i walk over to the elevator and went to the 58th floor it looked like mine still. After i went down to the docs to go over to my island i named my island empathy i made a theme park on my island.      

By Jack

Week 8 - The wish by Sam Cur

One day I was walking down the street and I saw an alleyway it was dusty and had a few dumpsters. At the end of the alleyway there was a shining light so I started to walk to it. I saw a big golden door that said do not enter so I walked away. That night I had a strange dream that I went down the alleyway and opened the door and just saw a flash of golden jewels  and I knew the next day I should go there. The day later I was walking home with my friends Jim and Bob.Jim said ‘let's go!’ so We went down the alleyway. We opened the door there was gold hills of money, cars and anything you could imagine it was AMAZING and we lived happily ever after.

By Sam Cur

Week 8 - All mine by Sophia

Shopping malls, cars, money even my very own dolphin! All mine. Everything I can see is mine. But there is one thing I want more than that combined, a family. I am Sara Collin and live in an adoption agency. My mum left me millions upon billions of dollars but money can't buy a family. Sure I could literally buy the Effiel-Tower but that's nothing if I don't have a sister build a fort in it with or a mum to gaze at the stars with on the top. Know you know my dream.

The end!!!

By Sophia

Week 8 - Coronation by Danny

It was 7:03 am and I had just woken up, then it hit me. Today was coronation day, I - Prince Henry IX - was about to be crowned as King. I imagined what it would be like to have all I could see as mine, I would be the Ruler, the King!

"I King Henry VIII Would like to present a very special thing."My son Henry IX as King! He placed the shiny gold crown encrusted with crystals on top of my head. I am King I thought, I am King!

By Danny

Week 8 Ex problems by Harriett

I imagined what would it be like to see all i could see?....I glared out into the sunset holding my best friends hand we were at the beach it was about 5-6 when my ex boyfriend came.He ran out with his new girl friend into the water.He was looking at me and i was looking at him his girl friends dad came and said honey get in the car right now ur in so much trouble.Then he came up to me and then my best friend left and i was left with my ex he said hey i looked at him and walked away.He just said WAIT UP BABE.i turned around and and the finger and then walked away.

By Harriett

Week 8 - The vision by Matthew

I woke up and pulled the curtains open, there was a man standing with an ice cream. That made me feel hungry, i thought about food when out of nowhere a golden sphere appeared above my hand. It started to change from a sphere into the shape of an ice cream that was identical to the man’s outside. Then i thought of my house to be bigger, my house started to move high into the air. I raced out of the house to find the largest mansion i had ever seen. I got really tired and collapsed. Then realised that had been a dream, i felt really hungry and suddenly a ice cream appeared in my hand. 
By Matthew

Image result for a golden sphere floating on my hand

Week 8 - helicopter by Caleb

Today is the day I go to my friends house Napier. I visited there last year as my mum knows them and lately they had won lotto big Wednesday. As I lie on the grass and look up at the helicopter pasing over my head.It slows down and lands in the park next door to my house.

I walk over and see and my friends outside the the helicopter. Apparently  they were coming to pick us up. The helicopter was flash and coloured grey. It had leather seats with seat warmers and I couldn’t wait for the flight.

By Caleb

Week 8 - I imagined by Scarlett

I imagined what it would be like to have all I could see. I imagined I had a unicorn with a long rainbow mane like a rainbow on a rainy day. I imagine I had a mansion on a hill with a water slide that slips me down to the pool. I imagined that I had a chandelier that lit  up my whole house and had crystals that reflected rainbows on the wall. I imagined that I had a machine that could control the weather and make it snow. I imagined that I had a king sized bed that had a throw as fluffy as a cat on a cold winter’s day. I imagined...

By Scarlett

Week 8 - Rich Man by Kynan

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! Is all that was going through my head as I could see millions of amazing works of art from supercars to an Ipad the size of a t.v. Do you want to have a little look around? Was all that I was hoping the old man would ask me. I could see one of the fastest cars in the world,a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport. One of the best things in there was his collection of Audi R8’s. The main attraction was the massive Ipad that actually works! I was praying to take a good selfie on it. All I imagined what it would be like to have all I could see.

By Kynan

Week 8 - Candy Land by Amber N

If I imagined what it would be like to arrive in a candy land!
Up up and away!!! I'm flying in a bubble made of bubble gum. I look down and see myself i'm pink and squishy almost like a marshmallow. The bubble gum suddenly stops and lands right next to a sign what says WELCOME TO THE LAND OF CANDY!!! I crept out of the bubble gum.
“Hi there you must be new here let me show you to your room.” Said a voice cheerfully. I quickly turned around and there was a marshmallow, I was to scared to ask any questions so I just followed. On my way to my room I saw the ground was made out of pink fluffy candyfloss,  the people were marshmellows and the rooms were made out of sherbit.
‘Hi you must be my new room mate come on in we are going to be best friends now yay.’

‘Thats lucy she's a bit crazy.’ someone whispered from behind me.

By Amber N