Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Week 7 - Doug The Dog by Charlotte

Hey, i’m Doug. I live in a normal house with normal people. At the moment I sleep in the kennel outside because I have recently eaten the yellow violin. Today my family/owners are going away on an airplane and i’m stuck here with the dog sitter, Mary-lou, as she likes to call herself. When ‘Mary-lou’ arrives she immediately sees the brown surprise i left on the carpet. She's grabs the broom and starts sweeping. Later on i start to look around for my squeaky chicken that I left lying around, but that's when i realise…. She swept it up!!!

By Charlotte


  1. Hi Charlotte
    I really like how you introduced the charecter and set the scene.
    Next time you need to change your i to I.
    Overall a very interesting story.
    From Anna room4 valley school.

  2. Nice story Charlotte I like how you said "she had to sweep up the brown supris!:]
    From Amy room 6 St.Molagas

  3. Hi Charlotte here is my link:
    AND really good story.
