Monday, June 13, 2016

Week 7 - Doug The Dog by Charlotte

Hey, i’m Doug. I live in a normal house with normal people. At the moment I sleep in the kennel outside because I have recently eaten the yellow violin. Today my family/owners are going away on an airplane and i’m stuck here with the dog sitter, Mary-lou, as she likes to call herself. When ‘Mary-lou’ arrives she immediately sees the brown surprise i left on the carpet. She's grabs the broom and starts sweeping. Later on i start to look around for my squeaky chicken that I left lying around, but that's when i realise…. She swept it up!!!

By Charlotte


  1. Great work Charlotte! I really enjoyed your story. I like how it is written from the point of view of the dog Doug. It made me laugh when you explained why Doug was in the kennel. Don't forget to always use capital 'I' when speaking about the first person. Keep up the great work.
    Ms. Brennock
    Team 100 w/c

  2. nice story out capital 'I's

    Sam Carter
