Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Week 7 - Flooding by Sam Ctr

I was relaxing upstairs when I heard my wife shriek, “The water’s overflowing!  Honey, come down quick!”

As I ran down the stairs two at a time, the rush of water as she opened the door swept me off my feet.  

I didn’t see how the sink being blocked was my problem as she ranted at me about the flooded washing machine so I said what every good husband would...

“Awwwww here’s a little violin playing just for you...”

After she mopped up with her yellow mop , she booked me on an airplane to Antarctica.

I should have eaten humble pie and helped her clean up.

By Sam Ctr


  1. i like how the wife in your story shrieked when there was a flood. you need to use puntcuation like full stops

  2. Hi Sam very good story. It reminds me of the flood in my granny's house. Remember to use full Shane.

  3. i like how you used the word humble pie and helped her clean up
