Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Week 7 - Isabella’s life By Amber N

““ Hello my name is Isabella today I will be taking you throw my life and what I do’”.
I have just eaten my breakfast, for breakfast I had some yogurt with berries I put it all in a shiny yellow plastic  bowl. After I get dressed I'm going to start my job, For my job I teach people how to play the violin. I have 2 hours until I need to catch an airplane to Nelson. I still have so much to do, I have to  swept the floor,clean the car and pack my bag.I hope I have enough time.  Im off to the airport now only about 10 minutes late bye.  


  1. I like your story and I really like how you put it into a job kind of thing

    By Ava

  2. Great job. Work on the following things. 1. Spelling, you wrote throw instead of through. 2. Punctuation, you have in your story Im instead of I'm. 3. Grammar, You stated "only 10 minuets late" when you should have stated I'm only 10 minutes late. - Sophia

  3. Hi Amber, I like how you are going to the ariport in your story it was a good story. Here is my link.
    My name is Jack.
