Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Week5 - The stone man in the food court by Jasmine

I was in the food court in the mall when I saw something I had never seen. It was a man just sitting there on a chair but he was not just like any man he was stone.There was another man sitting next to him who was not made out of stone. Obviously they were not talking. If they were then they would probably be talking about what is the new paper, Because the man that was not made out of stone was reading the paper.
The man that was not made out of stone was dressed in modern day clothes but the stone man was dressed in clothes that looked like they had come from world war 1 or somthing.
After I had stopped staring at the stone man, I bought something from the food court.   


  1. hi, Jasmine this has lots of spelling mistakes so make sure you fix that up for next time
    from scarlett (:

  2. I really enjoyed your story this week your observations were really interesting.
    Next time read though you work to make sure it flows this week it sounded more like a recount than a narrative.

  3. Hi Jasmine my name is Sophie
    I really liked your story
    the metal man reminds me of when I'm in town and those people and the are like stone but when you give them money and the move and sing keep up the good work and here is my link
